Character Highlight – Artimus Atyrmirid Jr.

Welcome to the first character highlight post for the upcoming Legends of Evorath series. Book 1, The Shadows of Erathal, launches October 29th, 2024. And to celebrate that upcoming launch, I’ll be highlighting one of the main characters every day leading up to the launch. Each week, I’ll review the format, which will include a …

Building My Own Fantasy World – Part 7 of 14

Hello again! If you’re reading this, we’re at the halfway point in this autobiographical series. If you’re new here, remember you can start at part 1 to get the complete experience. And if you’ve been reading since the beginning, congratulations! You’re really investing your time into reading about a perfect stranger, which seems weird to …

High School and Health Challenges – Part 6 of 14

Welcome back to part 6 of this 14-part autobiographical series! If you haven’t done so already, make sure to start with Part 1 of the series here and read through part 5 before you begin. I’ve talked a lot about my childhood and the impact it’s had on my interest in all nerdy things. Today, …