This year, I got to attend Megacon as a guest. While I was only there for on Saturday, it was a real joy to walk around and get to see all of the great costumes and artwork. If you have ever attended this giant convention in Orlando, then you already know just how awesome it is to be there. For me, the greatest joy is checking out Artist’s Alley and meeting so many different artists. Overall, this year felt less crowded than last, but it certainly was full of fun and excitement.
Megacon 2016 Cosplayers
While I definitely didn’t take enough pictures, there were some amazing cosplayers around this year’s Megacon. Here are a few of the highlights:
Actually, one of my personal friends (and illustrator for Evorath) wore an exceptional Batman costume from the Nightmare sequence (or whatever. Batman comics aren’t my things, but I can respect the costume). Another one went as Batgirl, so I decided to just use one of their photos from Facebook to show you.
Meeting Fellow Authors
I was pretty stupid and didn’t think to grab any pictures with the other authors I met, but I am happy that I got to pick up some promising novels while I was at the convention. It was great to chat about writing and publishing and just meeting other people who do what I do. Here is a picture of some of the books I picked up. All of these authors were very friendly and had some great advice on how they reach their audience.
Well, that about sums it up for Megacon 2016 on my end. It was definitely fun to just get out there and enjoy what everyone else had to offer.
Remember, book #2 of Evorath, The Rise of Yezurkstal comes out on August 16, 2016. So, keep your eyes peeled and be ready to enjoy another adventure. As for now, I hope you enjoyed Megacon as much as I did.