Building My Own Fantasy World – Part 7 of 14

Hello again! If you’re reading this, we’re at the halfway point in this autobiographical series. If you’re new here, remember you can start at part 1 to get the complete experience. And if you’ve been reading since the beginning, congratulations! You’re really investing your time into reading about a perfect stranger, which seems weird to …

High School and Health Challenges – Part 6 of 14

Welcome back to part 6 of this 14-part autobiographical series! If you haven’t done so already, make sure to start with Part 1 of the series here and read through part 5 before you begin. I’ve talked a lot about my childhood and the impact it’s had on my interest in all nerdy things. Today, …

More Nerdy Inspiration – Part 4 of 14

Hello and welcome back! Thanks for reading this autobiographical series, and if you’re just joining, you might want to start at part 1 here. Today we’ll continue where we left off last week by digging deeper into my nerdy interests growing up. Specifically, I want to dive more into my video game obsession and my …