Evorath – Complete Trilogy on Kindle

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I’m thrilled to announce a special release planned in just a couple weeks (on July 23, 2024). In anticipation of the release of my Legends of Evorath series coming this October, I wanted to find a way to get the Evorath trilogy in the hands of as many readers as possible prior to release. What better way to do that than to make it available at a price anyone can afford? And so I announce, the release of Evorath: The Complete Trilogy, available for only $0.99!

Is This A New Book?

No. If you’ve read the full trilogy already, there’s no reason for you to buy this book. With that said, I’d love if you did -it’s just $0.99 and if you buy it and leave a review, it would be a great way for me to reach new readers. But again, you’ve no need to get your hands on it.

However, this is a collection of all three books. It includes the entire trilogy, which means anyone who purchases will have The Birth of Death, The Rise of Yezurkstal, and The Battle for Erathal, which is the complete Evorath trilogy. I have included a special author’s note at the start of the book explaining what’s included, and there have been some minor formatting updates and additional appendices, but aside from these minor additions, this kindle exclusive book is just a collection of the three Evorath novels.

Why Am I Doing This?

There are two main reasons I’ve decided to do this. First, is pretty simple: the next chapter in Evorath begins October 29, 2024. You can read about getting involved in the Evorath ARC Program here. While this next series doesn’t require the first Evorath trilogy to be read first, some of the common characters will certainly make it more meaningful. In other words, I’d love if people read the full trilogy first. And I expect when this new series release, I’ll have a lot of new readers who are interested in catching up on the original trilogy. This will give them a chance to get in for a low cost.

The second reason is similar, but different enough that it deserves mentioning. I want more readers to enjoy the world of Evorath. This expansive fantasy world is massive in scale, and anyone who enjoys high fantasy and epic worldbuilding is sure to find something they love. And the truth is, Evorath is my first trilogy. I have a ton more books to write. So, getting in readers now who love the universe means I’ll have plenty of new people to buy my future book releases.

Will it Always be this Cheap?

No. As an extension for my reason, I will be keeping the book priced at $0.99 through the end of this year. But come January 2025, the price will go up to $9.99. This will still allow you to get the entire trilogy for a discount over buying the three books separately and should ensure I’m not losing money. Like I wrote above, my main reason for doing this is to ensure the new readers who find my Legends of Evorath series will have the background offered in this first trilogy. So, from my perspective, this will give new readers a full two months after reading The Shadows of Erathal to still get their hands on this trilogy for $0.99. Who can ask for more than that?

Will I Always Release Collections

Possibly, but I don’t think so. See, because it was my first trilogy, and because it serves as an introduction to the world, it seems quite appropriate to put the three stories together in one collection. But let me state it clearly now. Even if I do release discounted collections in the future, this is the only time I will release a collection for this cheap, especially for this long.

So, if you’ve not checked out the Evorath trilogy, go grab Evorath: The Complete Trilogy on Amazon for $0.99 or read through Kindle Unlimited. Until next time, keep enjoying good fantasy books!

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