Lizock are the most provincial of all species in the continent of Erathal. The lion’s share of their population is centered in their not-so-originally-named Lizock City. Omnivores by nature, lizock eat a very wide variety of foods. Though their urbanized city centers are officially under the rule of the king, much of the power within the Lizock City lies within the crime syndicates.
The oldest lizock lived close to 700 years, but most never reach such a ripe age. Like their four-legged relatives, lizock can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but most commonly they have dark black or green scales. Their scaly skin is extremely tough, making them resilient to anything less than the sharpest of small blades and they reach heights of around 180 centimeters, with some growing notably taller. Regardless of their height, they tend to be physical fit, which is also why it is not uncommon to find rogue bandits of this race causing trouble in the wilds.
After Prince Vistoro left the Kingdom to start the free city of Marftaport, Lizock City has withdrawn from most outside trade.
More About Lizock
Unique Traits: Low-light vision, tough skin
Magical Focuses: Lizock are known to leverage a wide range of magic, including some exercising illusion and manipulation magical techniques.
Weapons Technology: Mostly steel weapons, bow, crossbow, invented flail
In light of the threat from Yezurkstal, the main Lizock City to the west of Erathal has closed off its borders from outsiders completely. This has left some of the smaller settlements in a tight spot, which has left many (reluctantly) looking for trading agreements with outside races.