The Shadows of Erathal – ARC Available

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Have you ever thought how getting paid to read would be the ultimate job? I know growing up I went through phases of this: let me get paid to play video games, let me get paid to watch movies, and of course, how can I get paid to read books? While I can’t solve that puzzle for you, what I can offer is a chance to read my next fantasy book without buying it. And if you’re getting a free book to read, isn’t that like getting paid? So, whether you’ve read the first Evorath Trilogy or you’re just hearing about the world, now is your chance to get an advanced copy of The Shadows of Erathal and read a book for FREE.

the shadows of erathal

What is An ARC Program?

ARC, standing for advanced reader copy, is a process leveraged by many authors today, especially independent authors. It’s pretty simple really: you sign up, I send you a free digital copy of my book, and you post reviews on all the places you’d normally post reviews. So, if you’re excited about the release of The Shadows of Erathal, you don’t even have to wait for the release -you can read it now!

Is There A Catch?

No, truly there isn’t. In fact, after I send this book, while I will follow up, I can’t force you to do anything. So, if you don’t like it, or you’re just flaky and unreliable, you could conceivably get your ARC copy of the book, read it, and never even do anything from there. I’d hope you’d want to review and I hope you’d want to tell people you know about how wonderful the book is. But alas, there is no fine print or anything of the sort. You get a copy to read and from there it’s up to you.

What Do I Expect?

While it’s true there’s no catch, here’s what my ideal ARC reader would look like. You’re someone who loves fantasy, especially high epic fantasy. You plan to post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and even Bookbub. Maybe you even have a YouTube channel or blog where you post reviews. But let me be clear, you don’t need all of these to apply. In fact, I know I have some ARC readers who only post to Goodreads, or who only post to Amazon/Goodreads. Again, there’s no hidden fine print or “gotcha.” Just put yourself in my shoes and try to treat the ARC as you’d like it to be treated if you were running it.

Sign Up Now

So, if you’re ready to sign up, go ahead and apply for The Shadows of Erathal ARC here. I’ll send you an email once I see your application, which will include a link to download the book. From there, I hope you enjoy reading.

Until next time, read a good book and God bless!

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