Hello fellow earth dwellers! I’ve been thinking a lot about the type of content I can create for this blog. Should I write more about my personal philosophy, my faith journey, my writing process, worldbuilding, or something else entirely?
In the past, I’ve written some short stories and shared them here. Though I intend to resume that one day, I’m not quite in the place where I can feasibly accomplish this. As some might say, I’m simply not in the right season of my life. I need to focus on writing my next mainline book series, The Legends of Evorath. And while I continue to write those stories, today I wanted to make this first introduction post.
The Format of This Series
When I first decided I should write this, I put down over 4,000 words in about an hour all about me. I considered all manor of my life, from the entertainment (movies, music, books, etc.), to education, to more niche personal stories. And rather than overwhelm people with my full life story, I figured it made sense to break this out into posts. So today, let’s stick to the very basics about me and keep it to a standard blog post length.
Future posts in this series will be much more specific in nature, focusing on niche aspects of my life as just outlined. But for now, how can I give more information than the about the author section of this site without giving too much?
Who Is Joseph P Macolino
Husband, father, and lifelong student, I am someone who appreciates genuine connection above all else. I hate small talk, or time fillers of any kind. I want to meet someone new and hear the most interesting things about them right away. I want to know what motivates them to get out of bed in the morning, and what keeps them awake at night.
You see, I believe everyone is a beautiful and special creation. I believe we have a creator who loves us dearly and wishes us to live a great life. But too often, whether through the oppressive systems of this world, through unfortunate family situations, or through other external variables, we let ourselves get torn down by the turbulence of life.
And this is ultimately why I write what I write. I have these stories that must be told. Stories of good vs. evil. Stories of love and loss. Stories of family, especially families that fit into the strict mold society tells us to live in. And stories of people who embrace their uniqueness and individuality to overcome the odds. These stories are meant to inspire, to ignite the spark of imagination and to create a sense of wonder…what if magic were real? What if a world like Evorath really existed?
OK, But What About Basics?
And now some of you are thinking: “OK Joe, you told us a bunch of crap about what you think and feel. But who are you?” To you I say, our thoughts, our essence, are much more important than the physical, geographical, or other limiting worldly factors about us. However, I’ll also promise this. Next week, I’ll be back with another one of these posts where we’ll dive into all the mundane and boring parts about my life. Things like where I was born, the school I attended, and we’ll touch on some of the earlier influences that helped make me who I am today.
Until then, thanks for reading. If you haven’t checked out my Evorath trilogy yet, perhaps now is the time! Either way, I hope to see you around again next week.
Pingback:The Joseph P Macolino Biography – Part 2 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:The Life of A Weird Nerd – Part 3 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:More Nerdy Inspiration – Part 4 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:High School and Health Challenges – Part 6 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:Building My Own Fantasy World – Part 7 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:College and Lack of Direction – Part 8 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:Evorath is Born – Part 9 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:My Wife and Future Plans – Part 10 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:Pivoting in the Face of Adversity – Part 11 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:Returning to My Life’s Work – Part 12 of 14 - Evorath
Pingback:But Who Am I Really? – Part 14 of 14 - Evorath